Saturday, May 25, 2024

#shorts Mahi Mahi Fishing charters Punta Cana. Fortuna boat inDR. #fishi...

Short video with my Good Friend Mike and four hours fishing charter in Punta Cana with me. Fishing boat "Fortuna" 42' & memebers crew Capt. Cocote and 1st. Mate Rosario. Our catching just one Mahi Mahi Bull fish, eleven beer and one bottle of rum "Barcelo". Thanks Bro for time with me. You're in my heart as always. Friendly hugs Capt. Yustas. See you soon. Wisconsin isn't as warm as DR)) #fishingpuntacana #puntacanafishingcharter #bigmarlincharters #mahimahi Mahi-Mahi, Dorado These are the most common names of one of the most beautiful and tasty Atlantic fish. The body length of Dorado is from 3.3 to 4.9 feet. Its body is stretched and squeezed by sides. It is covered with small round silver-gold scales. The maximum body length is 6.9 feet and the maximum weight is 88 pounds. When a fish is pulled out of the water, it glows like a lightbulb and changes colour several times before dying. It goes from blue to gold. Once a dorado is dead, its colour fades fast. Tropical countries have a well-developed dorado catching industry, which can be viewed as a separate fishing branch. Mahi-mahi usually stays in surface waters of the open sea and rarely goes deep. The most popular way of catching it is trolling. By the Dominican shores, dorado is very well caught all year round. The best time to catch Dorado is from October to April.